{} {direction}

Generalised linkage connective
Material conditional
Teleological arguments
Vectors and directed lines
Tractatus Logico-philosophicus (Wittgenstein), 3.144

Generalised linkage connective

I use this often in Symbolic Thematic Theory, particularly after :-, read as 'applied to' The connective can be read as simply 'gives' rather than 'directs to,' as in the verbal interpretation of the symbolic statement (2) in 'Implication' Below.


When statement 1 implies statement 2, then the truth of statement 1 ensures the truth of statement 2. Statement 1 'leads to' or 'directs to' statement 2. This is an instance of
(1) (2). ® :-( ) /implication/ or {resolution} applied to {direction} gives ['directs to'] /implication/.

Material conditional

The material conditional 'directs to.' ® :-( ) / /

Teleological arguments

direct to the , 'telos' or end. In Aristotle, the telos of a process is its final cause.The Nicomachean Ethics begins (in the translation of Terence Irwin): 'Every craft and every line of inquiry, and likewise every action and decision, seems to seek some good; that is why some people were right to describe the good as what everything seeks. But the ends appear to differ; some are activities and others are products apart from the activities. Wherever there are ends apart from the actions, the products are by nature better than the activities.

Since there are many actions, crafts and sciences, the ends turn out to be many as well; for health is the end of medicine, a boat of boat building, victory of generalship, and wealth of household management.'


'tend to.' Antony O' Hear, 'Karl Popper: 'The historicist attempts to explain change by discovering a trend going through evolution or history as a whole, or through the history of each civilization. Popper's objection to this is that there is a sharp logical distinction between a trend and a law...Trends exist in nature and (perhaps) in society. Popper does not deny that it is possible to explain trends by showing that the presence of specific initial conditions would lead to developments of predictable sorts in physical systems. He concedes that evolution itself may provide us with an example.'

{direction} may be falsifiable, falsified, unfalsifiable or un-falsified (as yet).

Vectors and directed lines

Vectors, like scalars have magnitude, but only vectors 'direct to.' Directed lines have an orientation or direction distinguishable from an opposite orientation or direction. So, for two directed lines 1, 2

® (lines 1, 2).


In an unmagnetized ferromagnetic substance, the magnetic moments of the domains are not aligned. {direction} comes about when an external field is applied.


As a statement of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the entropy of the universe (considered as a closed system) 'directs to' an increase in entropy.

Tractatus Logico-philosphicus (Wittgenstein), 3.144

'(Namen gleichen Punkten, Sätze Pfeilen, sie haben Sinn.)

(Names resemble points, propositions arrows, they have sense.)

Unlike names, propositions have direction. A name has to name something, or fails to be significant. A proposition still has a meaning even when untrue.





About {theme} theory

{direction} is a {theme}. The most important single {theme} is {linkage}, < >, which, like other {themes}, plays a fundamental role in the mind's making sense of experience, as well as concepts not originating in experience. For more detailed information about the {themes} and my approach, a study of Introduction to {theme} theory would be very useful (I have to say, indispensable). From the introduction:  

'{theme} theory is completely general and philosophy is only one application-sphere. These illustrative examples are very diverse in subject matter and  in degree of abstraction: for example ethical argument, concrete problems in applied ethics, Nazi atrocities, Stalin, the death penalty, mathematical and philosophical relations, the completion of a  proof, scientific correlation.  There are also marked differences in tone: the tone appropriate to abstract and systematic subject matter but also forthright criticism, for example of Nietzsche, the juxtaposition sometimes of the abstract and  the impassioned.'

'{theme} theory is based upon the conscious, and justifiable, ignoring in many cases of sphere-boundaries, such as the boundaries separating the material sphere, the conceptual sphere, the spheres of the different senses. A mathematician may attack a problem in the mind just as a soldier may attack an all-too-concrete machine-gun post. A scientific model may be material, the model constructed from materials of different kinds, such as wood and plastic, or the model may be purely conceptual, without material expression. Scientific modelling is an activity which can be practised in material or conceptual ways. Linkages may be material, such as a connecting rod in a mechanical system linking mechanical components or non-material, such as the ties of shared history linking, in some cases, nations.'

List of {themes}:

 {adjustment} Â
{contrast} ( )
{distance} D
{linkage} < >
{ordering} Ô
{resolution} ®
{restriction} ==
{reversal} «
{separation} //
{substitution} S

In the list, the name of each {theme} is followed by the symbol for the {theme}. Clicking on the {theme} gives access to a page which gives instances of the {theme}. These instances show something of the range of {theme} theory, which addresses the most diverse areas of human experience and knowledge.